Thursday, October 4, 2007

Child Support Serendipity

Life can be serendipitous.
I received a call from the wife of an ex-boyfriend from many many years ago. She ranted in my ear about how he left her and their kids and is shacking up with some other woman who is also married, by the way. The new girlfriend is pregnant and so wifey is blowing up my ear about him being a deadbeat dad.
This guy broke my heart back in high school and we both moved on and married and had kids, etc. and now... well... now... what can I say???

She knows who I am and she um..knows that her husband had re-connected with me (accidentially) a few years back and that we maintained an e-mail friendship for awhile. She was not happy about it and I was not happy that he began to profess his continual love for me, so it stopped. So for her to reach out to me ...the poop must have really hit the fan.

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